The 100 Best Free Resources To Learn Data Science and Machine Learning

The complete curriculum for beginners and professionals to reach a master’s level and beyond

Isabelle Flückiger
25 min readNov 23, 2020


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Data scientists are in demand. LinkedIn shows 23’000 open jobs in the U.S. and 17’000 in Europe. Moving into this field and pursue a data science career is still beneficial.

With persistency and discipline, you can learn all the skills in demand from home. Also, for experienced data scientists, it is crucial to refining the knowledge off-the-job.

I have more than 20 years of data science experience, but I still learn daily new skills and methods.

You may think that I only read all the latest research and program more and more fancy methods. But you are wrong.

Learning is not sequential. Learning is circular.

If you want to be a successful data scientist, you must go back to the basics again and again. You need to learn the basics from many different perspectives. Each adds a new understanding.

I accumulated a collection of several hundred resources to learn over and over again, data science and machine learning. Today, I share with you the 100 best free resources from beginner’s to advanced level.



Isabelle Flückiger
Isabelle Flückiger

Written by Isabelle Flückiger

Board Member, Emerging Technology Expert & Life Designer | Transformed my Life & Work | Helping People & Organizations to Become Future Relevant | Goat Breeder

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