Excellent thoughts! Thank you.
Here we could learn a lot from actors. Maybe not necessarily from the Hollywood stars, but the ones that are playing theater.
After a rehearsal — typically the whole play from the beginning to the end in original length — all are sitting together, and the director gives feedback to each scene and every single sentence. And all the actors are there with their notebook and are taking notes.
Quite a famous actor told me that this feedback meeting could typically last twice as long as the whole play. And the feedback is honest. Not only because the director and your co-actors give honest feedback but because the actors want to have it. He told me that the worst thing a director could do is not to provide feedback or to give only good feedback. No actor wants to hear that!
As an actor, you are then in doubt. And you are unhappy and sad.
Why? Not because they are better humans than we, but because they want to become better. That’s their professional work. And it is the appreciation of their work.
So, this is the culture of that professional field. All know it, all want to have it, and all are living it.